The beginning of creation:


 Context: The mystery and nature of Nur Muhammadi [ﷺ]'s creation.

When Allah Rabbul 'Alamin, the Eternal and Eternal Being, was alone and unmanifested, then His desire and desire to manifest Himself was awakened.  Then he created the light of the Prophet [ﷺ] as a single creation and named him Muhammad [ﷺ] (Kanjuddakayek - Imam Ghazali).  Prophet Karim [ﷺ] himself has clearly explained the mystery and nature of Noor Mohammadi through Marfu Muttasil Hadith.  The said Hadith was narrated by Hazrat Jaber Ibn Abdullah (رضي الله عنه), a loyal servant of the Holy Prophet [ﷺ] and the 6th Companion of Madinah.  The said hadith was first compiled in the book of hadith called "Mosannaf Abdur Razzaq".  Mohaddes Abdur Razzaq was the grandfather of Imam Bukhari (رحمة الله عليه) and his disciple Imam Malek (رحمة الله عليه).  Later, many hadith scholars compiled hadiths in their own books from the said book.  For example: Imam Kastulani (رحمة الله عليه) compiled the said hadith in his biography of the Prophet [ﷺ], 'Mawahebe Laduniya'.  Allama Yusuf Nabhani of Egypt has also mentioned this Hadith in his Arabic book called 'Anwar Muhammadiyah'.  Kitabkhana is self-explanatory and detailed about the creation of the Prophet [ﷺ].  Therefore, we are presenting the hadith with translation before the learned reader.  Other than this tradition, the other traditions are incomplete, vague and fragmentary and are unreliable or marjuh according to the criteria of Usule Hadith.

Hadith is as follows:

روى عبد الرزاق عن معمر عن ابن المنكدر عن جابر بن عبد الله رضي الله عنه قال قلت يارسول الله بأبي انت وامي أخبرني عن اول شيئ خلقه الله تعالى قبل الاشياء قال ياجابر ان الله تعالى خلق قبل الاشياء نور نبيك من نوره فجعل ذلك النور يلدور بالقدرة حيث شاء الله تعالى ولم يكن في ذلك الوقت لوح ولا قلم ولا جنة ولا نار ولا ملك ولا سمماء ولا ارض ولا شمس ولا قمر ولا جني ولا انسي. فلما اراد الله تعالى ان يخلق الخلق قسم ذلك النور اربعة اجزاء فخلق من الجزء الاول القلم ومن الثاني اللوح ومن الثالث العرش ثم قسم الجزء الرابع أربعة اجزاء فخلق من الجزء الاول حملة العرش ومن الثاني الكرسي ومن الثالث باقي الملائكة ثم قسم الجزء الرابع 

اربعة اجزاء فخلق من الاول السموات ومن الثاني الارضين ومن الثالث الجنة والنار ثم قسم القسم الرابع اربعة اجزاء فخلق من الاول نور ابصار المؤمنين ومن الثاني نور قلوبهم وهى المعربفة بالله تعالى ومن الثالث نور انسفهم وهو التوحيد لا اله الا الله محمد رسول الله. (الجزء المفقود من المنصنف).

Meaning: Imam Abdur Razzaq (the grandfather of Imam Bukhari) narrated on the authority of Muamma, he on the authority of Ibn Munqadar, on the authority of Hazrat Jaber Ibn Abdullah Ansari (رضي الله عنه):

 "Hazrat Jaber (رضي الله عنه) said - I said, O Messenger of Allah [ﷺ]! May my parents be dedicated to you, what was the first thing that Allah created? Then the Prophet [ﷺ] said -  "O Jaber, Allah first created the light of your Prophet from His 'own light' before all things.  Then, according to the will of Allah Ta'ala, that light began to travel.  Because at that time there was no Laohe-Mahfuz, no pen, no heaven, no hell, no angels, no sky, no earth, no sun, no moon, no jinns, no mankind.  Then when Allah Ta'ala intended to create other things, He divided my light into four parts and created the pen from the first part, Laohe-Mahfuz from the second part and Arsh from the third part.  He divided the remaining portion into four parts and made the first part the throne-carrying angel, the second part the chair and the third part other angels.  He divided one part of the second quarter into four parts and created the first part of the sky, the second part of the land (earth) and the third part of heaven and hell.  For the third time, the remaining part is again divided into four parts. The first part is the light of the eyes of the believers - (insight), the second part is the light of the hearts of the believers - that is, the knowledge of God, and the third part is the light of the love of the believers - that is, Tawhidi Kalema 'la-ilaha illallahu.  Muhammadur Rasulullah' created." (He created the rest of creation from a fraction of 256). - Mawahebe Laduniya and Musannaf Abdur Razaq - (Al Juzul Mafqud Part, Hadith No. 18, published from Beirut 2001).

Explanation: Mullah Ali Qari (رحمة الله عليه عليه عليه و عليه عليه عليه و عليه عليه و عليه عليه و عليه عليه و عليه عليه و عليه عليه و عليه عليه و عليه عليه وسلم)'s interpretation of the word (من نوره) in the hadith or from his 'own light' has written in Mishkat Sharif - "Ay-min laamate noorihi" - that is, Allah Ta'ala has provided the light of the Prophet with the light of his own light.  did

 Mujadded Alfesani (رحمة الله عليه) said in Maktoob No. 100 in Volume 3 of Maktoobat Shareef, "Allah Ta'ala created him by His Khas Noor."

 Jarqani (رحمة الله عليه) in the explanation of "من نوره" said - "Min Noorin Hua Jatuhu" that is - "Allah's race or essence is light - from the light of that light Mohammadi Payda" (Zarqani).  Deobandi Maulbi Ashraf Ali Thanvi also gave the same explanation in the fifth page of his book 'Nasrut Teeb'.

 In another hadith, Hazrat Ali Ibn Husayn Ibn Ali (رضي الله عنه) narrated from the Prophet [ﷺ] on the authority of his father and grandfather.  The Prophet [ﷺ] said:

I used to be Noura بين يدي ربي قبل خلق ادم بفرد عشر افل عام

 Meaning: "I (the Prophet) existed as a light to my Lord fourteen thousand years before the creation of Adam."  (One day of that world is equal to one thousand years of the world. As a number, it is 511, 00, 00000 (five hundred and eleven million) years.

 In Tafseer Ruhul Bayan verse 128 of Surah Tawba قد جاءكم رسول من انفسكم Meaning: "A great Messenger has come to you.")

 The following hadith has been narrated from Hazrat Abu Huraira (رضي الله عنه) about where the Prophet [ﷺ] came from in the context of the Tafseer of the said verse.

 عن Aبي حريرة عنه عليه السلام he asked Jibreel عليه السلام فقال ياجبريل كم ومرك من السنين - فقال يارصول الله لست علمهم غر عن في الحجاب في 4 نجم يستع في كل 7عين ثلف سنة مرا - رأيته إذنين وسعين ثلفة فراء

 Meaning: "One day Prophet Karim [ﷺ] asked Hazrat Gabriel (عليه السلام) about his age like this, O Jibraeel! How old are you? Then Hazrat Jibraeel (عليه السلام) said - I only know that the fourth hijab of Noor is a  The bright star used to rise once every 70,000 years. (That is, the star rose for seventy thousand years and set for seventy thousand years.) I saw that star rise seventy-two thousand times. Then the Prophet [ﷺ] said:  I swear I was that star.” (Tafseer Ruhul Bayan 3rd Volume 543 p. Surah Tawba and Seerat Halbiya 1st Volume 30 pages)

 The duration of this position of the Prophet [ﷺ] was one thousand and eight million years according to that world.  For five hundred and four million years he was in the emerging state and for five hundred and four million years in the invisible state.  As for the world, how many billions of years will be - only God knows.  Hazrat Jibreel (عليه السلام) only saw Huzoor's outward appearance.  The internal side was unknown to him.

The secret of the creation of Rasool Kareem [ﷺ] is so deep that none but Allah knows his true nature.  The founder of the Deoband Madrasa, Kashem Nanutbi Sahib, freely admitted that the true Noorani form of the Prophet [ﷺ] is hidden and enigmatic within the outer covering thus:

 May your veil of humanity be on beauty,

 And don't know who saw you except the star.

 Meaning: "O Beloved Prophet [ﷺ]! Your true form is covered by the veil of humanity. No one knows you except your Lord (Chattar)."

 Here it is necessary to remember that there are three forms or states of the Prophet [ﷺ] namely - Churte Bashari, Churte Malaqi and Churte Hakki.  (Tafseer Ruhul Bayan and Tafseer Qaderi).

 Ordinary people can only see the Basari knife.  It is not possible to see and perceive without the other two Khuratas or Khas Khas people.


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